In the last 12 Months have you tried to cut down on your addiction and could not?
In the last 12 Months have you kept family and friends from knowing how frequently you engage in your addiction?
In the last 12 Months has your addiction resulted in financial trouble requiring you to get help with living expenses from family, friends or welfare.
In the last 12 Months have you used your addiction to change how you were feeling?
In the last 12 Months have you felt shameful about the addiction and wished you could stop?
In the last 12 Months have you been unable to control, cut back or stop the addiction?
In the last 12 Months has your addiction caused pain or upset to others who are close to you?
If you answered yes on two or more questions is recommended you speak with a coach to explore your responses to see if counseling is right for you. The goal of recovery is not just abstinence or sobriety, it is connection.